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About Our Doctors and Coaches

Doctors: Dr. Steven M. Horwitz Dr. Carson Aune
Chiropractic Assistant: Jason Schreiber

Jason Schreiber, CSCS, USAW, HKC

Director of Rehabilitation and Sports Performance

Jason Schreiber is a graduate of the University of Maryland, where he earned his Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a USA Weightlifting Club Coach, and HKC Kettlebell Instructor.

He has competed in both Powerlifting and amateur MMA fighting. Following his rehabilitation from a spinal injury in 2004, he focused his energy in teaching others about health and fitness, earning his Standard Professional Certificate in Secondary Education. He taught Anatomy and Physiology, Health and Exercise Science, and Physical Education for grades 6-12 in alternative education Baltimore City and Prince Georges County Public Schools. He created and implemented Intramural Mixed Martial Arts and Strength and Conditioning programs for both school systems, providing a positive, healthy environment for students after school hours. During his summers, he taught Health and Exercise Science classes for Anne Arundel Community College, extending his message of a healthy and fit lifestyle to professional adults.